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​- Visuals/Lyrics relationship – the lyrics are represented with visual images (e.g. illustrative, contradicting)

o YouTubers: Nigahiga, Chester See, KevJumba - ‘Nice Guys’
o These top YouTubers created this music video for entertaining purposes and visuals directly relate to the lyrics to create a humorous edge to the video. For example, where KevJumba says: ‘I never open the door’, he is seen walking through it whilst in the background, you see the door shutting on the girl.











Also, where Nigahiga says: ‘I beat you/In every competition’, there is a pause between the two lines and it is cut and edited in a way that shows the girl being hit on the head with a tennis ball during a tennis match between the two. This is cleverly done for comedic purposes as the line ‘I beat you’ instantly suggests in a physical violent way, but the scene of the tennis match lightens the mood and reminds the audience that the music video is for entertainment purposes only.


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