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This ‘Super Junior M’ album includes two CDs placed on a plastic grip, the CD designs are simple with a simple black and white and an outline of pink, blue and yellow, following the colour scheme of the rest of the digipak. The simplicity sells a sleek, cool image of the group, with the hint of colour, it adds fun and excitement, revealing a fun, playful side.


A photograph of the members back profile creates a sense of mystery, furthering the ‘cool’ image they sell as they are dressed in suits and their faces are hidden from the viewer. The straight lines of the location emphasise the contrast and create dimension adding to the overall sleek finish.



The back cover is of black and white photos of each member, placed next to each other. This makes the audiences more familiar with their image and clearly shows who makes up the group. The dark clothing contrasts greatly with the white background, drawing attention and focus to it. Finished with a banner at the top with the logo of the group and some text describing the album, with a line made up of the three colours, maintaining that vibrancy and excitement and completed with the barcode just underneath it.

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