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- Combined performance and narrative
- Close ups of artist lip syncing throughout the video
- Pans and Zooms – capture emotion of artist
- Dance sequence
- Narrative story that reflects the song lyrics
- Bright lighting, flashing lights
- Costume: stylised, mainstream clothing, although nowadays, more extreme costumes are being introduced


- Iconic pop figures include the likes of Madonna and Kylie Minogue. Madonna pushed boundaries in her time, with her promiscuous image and over time, she often reinvents her image to keep her fans interested. Similar with Kylie Minogue, who also debuted as the average ‘girl next door’ pop singer transformed into a flirtatious sexy figure and later became a gay icon in the late 1980s. She now has one of the largest gay followings in the world as she performs at various gay venues globally. This is an example of the need to reinvent oneself but also the need to make use of the opportunities and events to enable a successful musical career.


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